profile picture of Alexander Vikenfalk

Alexander Vikenfalk

Hey, my name is Alexander and I'm a frontend developer and digital piece maker — creating elegant, accessible, and performant web solutions.


I grew up in the quiet fishing village in the south of Sweden. While most kids were off sailing or playing ice hockey, I spent hours at the only place in the village which had yet received internet: the local library. This was my first encounter with the endless possibilities of technology and the starting signal of a lifelong passion.

My interest continued at home, and my dad - a programmer, would try with much effort to teach me programming with C and Pearl. I realised quickly that my strengths were not in low level programming and terminals but rather in code I could easily play around with. In high school I quickly got hooked on Flash, HTML, CSS and even Visual Basic (please forgive me) since they were so easily moldable.

After high school I got an associates degree in network engineering, a vocational degree in backend development as well as a vocational degree in Frontend development and I realised that I really liked to build and design websites - so I just kept on doing that.

Scenic view of Svanshalls's Harbour
The harbour where I grew up


I live in Berlin, Germany since 2016 where I spend most of my time rubber ducking and trying to center DIVs. When I'm not doing that I like to spend time in the kitchen experimenting my way to the perfect Ragu or go hiking in the woods.

I'm currently available for work. If you would like to get in touch with a job opportunity, feedback or pictures of your cat, email me and we'll chat!

Cows behind a tent during a hike
Curious cows during a hike


One Hiring

Frontend Developer


Homeday GmbH

Frontend Developer


Business Keeper

Frontend Developer



Support Technician


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